Our team

Vast experience before Chilean courts and before domestic and international arbitration tribunals. Counsel for both national and international companies.
– Lawyer, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
– Master of Business Law, Universidad de los Andes – Northwestern University School of Law (Ex. Pr).
– Yrarrázaval, Ruiz-Tagle, Ovalle, Salas & Vial, Partner since 2018.
– Yrarrázaval, Ruiz-Tagle, Goldenberg, Lagos & Silva, Partner 2016-2018.
– Yrarrázaval, Ruiz-Tagle, Goldenberg, Lagos & Silva, Associate 2013-2017.
– Consorcio Periodístico de Chile S.A. Copesa, Inhouse counsel 2010-2013.
– Yrarrázaval, Ruiz-Tagle, Goldenberg, Lagos & Silva, Associate 2005-2010.
Professor of Communication Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2013.
Member of the Chilean Bar Association.
Spanish and English.